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Volunteering event

VPAS is always in need of volunteers. If you have an interest in organizing fundraisers or events, if you enjoy liaising with the community, or if you are crafty and are interested in sewing pet toys or bedding, please consider volunteering some time to help pets in need. Any skill can help us make life better for homeless pets!

Volunteer Application

    Under 1919+
    [group volunteeredBeforeSelected clear_on_hide]
    Talking to the public about the pets for adoptionHelping at events like adoption fairs and fundraisersHelping to organize other volunteersHelping to organize events and fundraisersOther
    [group otherActivitySelected clear_on_hide]

    Please give the name and phone number of 2 people (not family members) that can serve as a character reference for you:

    Reference #1: *

    Reference #2: *

    All volunteers will be expected to sign a liability waiver against accident/injury while volunteering.